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Aka. Elian
he / him + they / them
trans gay t4t male
masc terms pls!!
marine biology student;
diploma recieved!!

suspected AuDHD
5teen !! i <3 my friends

BYF Do understand I can't always talk! I'm busy finishing diplomas for the next 3 years. I have struggle understanding tones via texting so please use tone tags and specified on the other side, It'll help greatly. I'm very socially anxious online and real life so I may randomly go offline/disappear for a little while at times to regain my social battery!!

DNFI If you're 18+(unless family or I knew you before you turned 18 and above), Homophobes/transphobes ect., mean people in general(UNLESS ITS A JOKE, IF IT IS PLEASE SAY). If you flirt please know that I may pretend it didnt happen unless I know you very well.

☆likes . sharks, music, electric guitar, webtoons, PIERCINGS, motorcycles

☆ dislikes spider, bugs in general, homophobes

Interests ☆ Marine biology, Coding , Minecraft, studying paganism+satanism